Why Talking To Women Makes You Nervous.

25th May, 2023

Why Talking To Women Makes You Nervous.

Why Your Tribal Brain Makes You Nervous

Let me tell you a little secret about how all men's brains - including YOURS - are wired when approaching women.

Have you ever wondered why you experience nervousness or anxiety when approaching a woman? It's intriguing to consider that if you could approach 5 or 6 new women daily with absolute fearlessness and confidence, your love and sex life would likely flourish. So, why do you still feel nervous and anxious? It appears as though your brain isn't aligning with what would benefit you most, wouldn't you agree.

Just take me, for example. Normally, I can approach any woman anytime, anywhere. Even if I screw an approach up, I usually feel fine about it, and it doesn't stop me from making the next one.

During the recent weekend, I attended a lively gathering hosted by my sister. The atmosphere buzzed with the presence of numerous single girls, presenting a promising opportunity. 

However, an unexpected phenomenon occurred whenever I looked at a girl who caught my interest. My body seemed to freeze, and a small voice within me whispered cautionary words, planting seeds of doubt. It would say things like, "What if you make a mistake? Perhaps it's better to refrain... Exercise caution!"

The persistent voice in my head proved relentless, and my frustration grew to a point where I decided to leave the party prematurely, merely an hour after my arrival.

So how could I approach an anonymous woman on the street who I'll probably never see again and yet feel anxious about approaching a woman at one of my sister's parties?

The explanation can be found in the context of human evolution. Throughout history, men and women resided in small communities, typically consisting of no more than 100 individuals, engaged in hunting and gathering. In such close-knit groups, any advances made towards a woman would quickly become common knowledge if she were to reject them. This would result in a significant negative social perception among all potential mates. In essence, if one woman were to reject a man's advances, it would give the impression of being undesirable to ALL other women with whom he could potentially form a reproductive partnership. This would seriously jeopardize his chances of engaging in sexual relations and producing offspring in the future.

So your shyness and nervousness are actually a DEFENSE to protect you from looking like a reject in the tribal setting. And that's why, when my sister and her friends were watching me that night at the party, I FROZE UP. After all, if I screwed my approach up with any girl, my sister and ALL of her friends would have seen me - and that would have looked really bad!

However, we no longer reside in small bands of hunters and gatherers in our present-day society. The fear of one rejection influencing our chances with all other potential mates is no longer applicable. In fact, when we approach a woman today, we enjoy the privilege of anonymity. Even if we were to make a significant blunder, there would be absolutely no lasting consequences.

Consider this: for millions of years, we have adapted to an environment where rejection from a woman could lead to dire consequences. However, the dynamics have drastically shifted over the past few hundred years. What was once a useful strategy for ensuring genetic success—being cautious when approaching women—has become an obsolete genetic strategy.

In the modern society of anonymity, being nervous, shy, or overly cautious becomes a hindrance when it comes to engaging in intimate relationships. Shyness, which was once a built-in program in our brains developed over millions of years to protect and assist us, now only obstructs our progress. Times have changed, but our brains have yet to catch up with the new reality.

That's why you need advanced techniques that change the very core of your psychology from the inside out! And that's one of the reasons you need advanced seduction technology, including hypnosis and NLP, so you won't be a prisoner to millions of years of evolutionary programming like everyone else.

It is crucial to overcome anxiety and converse with girls for several significant reasons. Firstly, by stepping out of our comfort zones and initiating conversations, we open ourselves up to new opportunities for connection, companionship, and personal growth. Building meaningful relationships requires taking the initiative, and conquering anxiety allows us to participate in the pursuit of love and companionship actively.

Secondly, approaching and conversing with girls helps us develop crucial social skills. Communication, confidence, and connecting with others are essential aspects of a well-rounded and fulfilling life. By facing our anxieties and engaging in conversations, we can improve our social aptitude, positively impacting our romantic relationships and interactions with friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.

Additionally, overcoming anxiety when talking to girls allows us to challenge and reshape limiting beliefs about ourselves. By realizing that rejection is not catastrophic and that one rejection does not define our worth, we can foster a healthier self-perception and build resilience. This mindset shift empowers us to confidently pursue our desires, knowing that failure is merely a stepping stone towards growth and eventual success.

Ultimately, getting over anxiety and approaching girls is crucial for personal development, expanding our social circles, and nurturing fulfilling relationships. By embracing the discomfort and pushing past our fears, we can unlock a world of possibilities, enriching our lives in immeasurable ways.