What is Your Vulva?

22nd May, 2023

A Womens Vulva

Vulva is the external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina.(In common speech, the term "vagina" is often used improperly to refer to the vulva or female genitals generally, even though strictly speaking the vagina is a specific internal structure and the vulva is the exterior genitalia only. Calling the vulva the vagina is akin to calling the mouth the throat.)

The vulva is the opening to the reproductive system. Its functions are the passage of urine, the opening for mating and the birth canal. Included in the vulva's structure are the lips, vestibule and clitoris. The vulva lips are located at the opening and appear wrinkled and dry when the cow is not in heat. A secondary sign of heat, however, is when the vulva swells and appears moist and red.

The soft mound at the front of the vulva is the mons pubis, or specifically for humans, the mons veneris or "mount of Venus". After puberty it is covered with pubic hair to some extent, the amount being determined primarily by heredity. The labia majora or large lips extend on either side of the vulva, and may also be covered with pubic hair. The labia majora entirely or partially hides the other parts of the vulva. The colour of the outside skin of the labia majora is usually close to the overall skin colour of the individual, although there is considerable variation. The inside skin is often pink or brownish.

Labia majora

Two large lips of folded skin extend from the mons pubis downwards and backwards to fuse in the perineum about 2 cm anterior to the anus. The smooth skin contains fatty tissue and sebaceous sweat glands which are responsible for the sexual scent. When a girl has not yet reached puberty her labia majora are covered by pigmented skin, meaning that it will have a colour in the labia, it also contains sebaceous glands, these glands are oil-secreting. After puberty, her labia majora will be covered by coarse hair, depending on heredity the pubic hair may be abundant or scarce, with the inner sides being smooth and hairless and having sweet glands.

Labia Minora

Two thin lips pendulous folds of pigmented skin, are homologues of the ventral surface of the penis and are not usually visible unless the labia majora are parted or in the aroused state.

Labia minora is the flaps of delicate flesh that meet the hood of the clitoris at the front of your vulva and run down either side of the vaginal opening. They are nestled between the labia majora which protects them. Size and colour vary enormously from woman to woman. Some have labia that hang down five or more centimetres from between their labia majora, others have labia minora that are tiny and are little more than creases between the inside surface of their labia majora and their vulva. Colour is not just race related. Women can have labia in any shade from light pink to dark brown.

Every woman's vulva (or external genitalia) looks different. The labia majora (or outer lips) can be large or small or short or long. And the labia minora (inner lips) can similarly be large or small or short or long, full or thin, etc. The inner lips can also vary in texture and colour, with some women having pink lips and some women having brownish/black, and others having everything in between. This variation is what makes us all unique! What you describe (that your labia minora stick out of your labia majora) is perfectly normal and common.