What do you do if your girlfriend is always mad?

30th May, 2023

What do you do if your girlfriend is always mad?

Well, guy, that’s a good question. When your girlfriend is always mad, all you can do is ride it out. There is nothing you can do. If you think you can cheer her up, you are wrong. It can help temporarily to cheer her up with whatever she likes, but it is only temporary. There are many reasons that your girlfriend can be mad. Some of these reasons are legitimate, and some are purely her fault due to her own problems, which you have nothing to do with.

Do not try to figure your girlfriend out; that is for suckers. Let her deal with her problems with how she knows how to deal with them. Remember, women do not want solutions from a guy; women want a guy to listen to and be a companion. So when your girlfriend is always mad for no reason, all you have to do is ride it out. You can try to talk to her but keep it at a minimum because she is just looking for a shoulder to cry on.


Reasons why your girlfriend is always mad

When your girlfriend is always mad, that shows a lot of red flags. She can be mentally unstable or just straight crazy. She can be cheating on you and trying to get on your nerves so that you can leave so that she can get with a new guy and not feel guilty. Finally, you may be a jerk and are not treating her right. You have to figure out what category your situation fits into. You have to let her know that this behavior is not acceptable and that you both will work on getting things better.

Let’s look at some reasons why your girlfriend is always mad:

  • She is bored of you
  • She has emotional problems, i.e., bipolar, schizoid, or just plain crazy
  • She is cheating on you and wants to get rid of you
  • She just does not respect you and takes you for a doormat
  • She has legitimate personal problems that she needs help with
  • You did something to piss her off, i.e., cheating, flirting, no chores, not taking her out or getting her gifts


Your girlfriend is always mad because she is sizing you up as a wimp.

Guy, your girlfriend compares notes with her girlfriends on how to treat and get treated by guys. She might want more from you or just not respect you. If you are a doormat, she with keeping you around until she finds another doormat, then drop you like a hot potato. Women like two types of men, doormats and cool guys, that is, chumps or heroes. You know where you fall into. A woman can never be happy with a chump. She will always be mad at you for treating her right, for being a chump. Women love heroes but do get angry at them because they have access to other women.

The bottom line is if your girlfriend is always mad at you all the time, it falls into a category of disrespect and disregard for you. Your girlfriend should not be mad at you all the time because that causes stress on you, and that means she does not care if you are stressed out. Women do not know, or should I say they do not care, that by their having these crazy mood swings all the time, it causes their man to cheat on them and ultimately leave them. It’s a vicious cycle on both ends, but that’s how its works.

Your girlfriend is always mad for no apparent reason at one time or another.

But the red flag comes up when your girlfriend is always mad at you all the time. When this becomes a way of life, it becomes a problem. Women looking for any reason to get mad at you and test you, and push your buttons. It is up to you to get this under control. You can never control a woman, but what you can do is control yourself in how you deal with it and decide whether you choose to be around a girlfriend that is always mad. Do you want to reward her for bad behavior, or are you doing something about it? You know these answers.


Do not get stressed out if your girlfriend is always mad.

If you keep getting stressed out like this and you are not getting much out of the deal, like money, gifts, hot cooked food, or wild sex, then why do you hang around? Ask yourself, why do you continue to take this mental abuse? Relationships are a give and take; make sure you give and get your fair share. If you want to be a doormat and walk on, then do that but play your position. If you are getting mentally abused by your girlfriend, you may be interested in The Best Free Lines To Get Women. Tell me if your girlfriend is always mad or if you are a girlfriend that is always mad about something, comment right now.