Vagina Tightening Surgery - All Your Info Here

20th May, 2023

Vagina Tightening Surgery

Vagina tightening surgery, also known as vaginal rejuvenation or vaginoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to tighten the vaginal canal. It is typically sought by individuals who wish to improve the tightness and tone of their vaginal muscles, often due to factors such as childbirth, aging, or certain medical conditions.

During the procedure, the excess vaginal lining is removed, and the surrounding muscles and tissues are tightened and repositioned. This can result in a narrower vaginal opening and increased muscle tone within the vagina.

Vagina tightening surgery may be performed for both functional and aesthetic reasons. Some individuals may experience vaginal laxity, which can lead to decreased sexual satisfaction or urinary incontinence. Vaginoplasty aims to address these concerns and potentially enhance sexual pleasure and restore confidence.

It's important to note that while vagina-tightening surgery is an option for those seeking vaginal rejuvenation, it is a surgical procedure that carries certain risks and considerations. Potential risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, and complications associated with anesthesia.

Before considering vagina-tightening surgery, individuals should have a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon or gynecologist. They can discuss the individual's concerns, evaluate their medical history, and determine if the procedure is suitable and necessary.

It's worth noting that there are non-surgical alternatives available for vaginal rejuvenation, such as laser therapy, radiofrequency treatments, or pelvic floor exercises. These non-invasive options may be considered as alternatives or in combination with surgical approaches.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo vagina-tightening surgery should be based on careful consideration, discussions with healthcare professionals, and understanding the potential risks and benefits associated with the procedure.

Objectives of Vagina Tightening Surgery

The most common cause of an enlarged vagina is childbirth. Some women suffer from stretched pelvic floor muscles and vaginas after one or several births. This can lead to weak pelvic floor muscle, incontinence and lack of sexual satisfaction as some women feel that they have changed and become so stretched that it has a negative impact on their sex lives. Post-menopausal women and those who have been treated for cervical cancer can find their vaginas have enlarged and may seek help.

This procedure is designed to reconstruct the vaginal muscle producing a tighter vagina.

With age and childbirth, the internal vaginal tissue can change in shape, size and tone, and in many cases, women are just not happy with parts of their genitalia.

This type of surgery is a relatively new field in aesthetic surgery, but in later years this type of operation has become more popular. Many patients feel inhibited in their sexual relations and the vagina losses its tonicity.

Sydney Plastic Surgeon, Dr Barnouti specialises in Vaginal tightening procedures. A restorative procedure involves tightening of the pelvic floor, perineal and vaginal muscles producing functional and contractile vaginal tubes.


Initial Consultation for Vaginal Surgery

During the first consultation, the surgeon discusses any urological and sexual problems.

The vagina and the pelvic floor muscles are examined.

We need to determine that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.


The Vaginal Surgery

In this procedure, which is normally performed under local anaesthesia with twilight sedation as a day case, a section of vaginal lining is removed in a wedge-shaped fashion and the underlying vaginal muscles are restored and repositioned to their original anatomy resembling a pre-childbirth status where the vagina is noticeably tighter. Finally, the mucosa (lining of the vagina) is then repaired and rejoined with dissolving stitches. The area will remain numb after surgery for 6 hours followed by some discomfort that is well controlled by simple analgesia. This area usually heals well and the wound swelling and bruises should settle within 10-14 days.


After Vaginal Surgery

A sanitary dressing will be applied immediately after surgery and can be changed as required. All wounds are repaired with dissolvable sutures. In the first week after surgery, the area will be swollen and bruised. Passing urine may feel uncomfortable. You may also suffer a burning sensation that will subside gradually over 7-10 days. You will be prescribed simple analgesia for pain and Oral Antibiotics as preventative measures against infection.


What Are the Risks of Vagina Tightening?

Fortunately, complications with these procedures are very rare. They include bleeding which usually stops spontaneously within 24 hours, infection which can normally be treated with antibiotics and finally, the opening of parts of the wound, which if it happens, will normally heal spontaneously. Fortunately, these complications are very rare.


Getting You Back to Work and Normal Activities After Vagina Tightening

We recommend that patients commence daily activities and light duties from the 3rd day after surgery. Personal hygiene is extremely important for rapid healing and twice-daily showering is essential. Loose underwear should be worn for the first two weeks. Tampons should not be used during the first six weeks. Back to normal activities including penetrative sex in 6 weeks. Various other procedures to improve the appearance, tone and sensation of the vagina can be performed.


Vaginal Tightening Cost ( estimation )

Total Cost $7,900 900 (including Surgeon’s fee, Assistant Surgeons fee, Anaesthetist’s fee, Hospital, operating theatre and all follow-up visits cost).

Medicare and/or Private health insurance will refund you some of the above total cost.

This price assumes hospital coverage with a private health fund. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for additional costs of $2,500.


Combined Labioplasty and Vaginal Tightening

Total Cost: $10,900 (including Surgeon’s fee, Assistant Surgeons fee, Anaesthetist’s fee, Hospital, operating theatre and all follow-up visits costs).

This price assumes hospital coverage with a private health fund. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for additional costs of $2,500.

Medicare and/or Private health insurance will refund you some of the above total cost.

This price assumes top hospital cover with a private fund. If fund cover does not apply in your situation, plan for additional costs of $2,500.