A Disrespectful Girlfriend Is Not A Lady

30th May, 2023

A Disrespectful Girlfriend Is Not A Lady.

You have to deal with a disrespectful girlfriend with stern authority. This is something that most guys have to deal with. Many people say it is just a woman’s way of testing you. I think that they are cold, deceiving, and concentrating creatures. You have to nip it in the bud. In other words, stop that disrespectful behavior right away.

Women think that when they promise or give you sex, they have the right to treat you however they want. You must let your woman know that you care about her but do not want to be disrespected by your girlfriend. When a guy puts his foot down and does not allow his woman to disrespect him, she says he is abusive. That is a cop-out.


Do Not Put Up With A Disrespectful Girlfriend

Women want it all but do not want to give anything in return. They want the whole women’s liberation thing with them being equal in everything but still expect guys to pay for everything. That is a load of crap. Women must know that they can not pick and choose. They want to be managers at work and bossy wives and girlfriends at home. There are universal laws that govern us. One of them is that the man is the leader and protector of the family unit. Once a disrespectful girlfriend tries to break these laws, everything else goes wrong. Think about it: the divorce rate is about 50%, meaning that girls go into marriage with plans to get out as soon as their husband tries to speak up.


Let Your Disrespectful Girlfriend Know That You Are The Boss

You make the rules and run things. I am in no way saying you should ever disrespect or abuse women. But the bottom line is that women want a leader. Coach your women repeatedly if necessary. I let my woman have much control over my relationship, but she knows this is with my permission. Any woman that does things without permission does not have a man.


Signs Of A disrespectful Girlfriend Include But Are Not Limited To The Following List:

  • Does not pay attention when you speak
  • Talks over you
  • Does not respond to your questions
  • Talks about what other people do better than you
  • Does not cook for you
  • Criticizes everything you do
  • Says that you are not this or not that
  • Thinks that you are not smart
  • Withholdshold sex
  • Uses sex as a weapon
  • Talking to other men online, on the phone, or in person
  • Does not call you
  • Does not pick up right away when you call
  • She does not tell you who, what, where, and when things in her life


These are just a few of the things that a disrespectful girlfriend does. There is a lot more you can add to the list. I think you get it. The most important thing to do is inform the woman when she violates these common-sense rules. Do not ever think that women have common sense because they do not. If you do not let them know what it is they will run around clueless. Think about it, with all the horny single guys out here, why do women become pen pals with inmates and end up marrying and sleeping with guys in prison? Why do you see some successful businessmen and doctors get bossed around by their wives and ultimately get divorced by their wives? I will tell you why. Women are looking for real men, not pushovers. Nothing is left for her once a woman has conquered you and taken your manhood. She is an empty shell in need of a man, and she will bitch and complain to get you out of the picture so that she can have time to find a real man to dominate her.


When Your Disrespectful Girlfriend Messes Up, Find The Right Time To Talk To Her.

It is important that you find the right time. Sometimes if you confront them at the exact time when they did something wrong, it can cause a fight. It is better to wait until both of you are cool, then tell her how you would like her to behave. She will lash out initially, but most women will listen to you. Do not let your disrespectful girlfriend control you. Instead, you must take control of her. This is a work in progress, and if she is willing to work with you on her bad behavior, she is worth it; if not, dump her and get another girl.